
I recently have sent a letter to all American and British literary agencies asking on which topic I should write my first English novel. I argued that – because nobody publishes my German novels – it makes more sense to write in English as I prefer not to be read by 500 million people than […]

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May 25th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Criminal sites

US FBI stated today, that oligarch Thomas Wehlim has been identified as the creator of a network of several criminal internet sites, allegedly providing free novels, poems, and theatre plays for download. In fact, the sites infect visitors with a broad range of viruses and other malware. For example, the identified virus “snagger” tries to delete […]

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May 16th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


What can Guru Wehlim do for this world? Can he write novels that give us new insights concerning all aspects of human beings, such as love, hate, science, society, politics? Can he make love to all of us? Can his language be a sort of “symphony of words” that makes our ears happy? I think […]

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May 16th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Reading fee

Today, an announcement of best-selling author Th. J. (“Joker”) Wehlim, stating that there will be an additional reading fee for his books, caused considerable irritation. In an interview in the New York Times, Wehlim reported plans to implement a registration process for all persons having bought one of his books, and then to collect a […]

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May 15th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


No sleep for all of us. The cat broke through the window. The street dogs barked as if devils had come. I am writing a novel to write a novel. I am awaiting tumors. Everybody is awaiting them. Since birth.

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May 12th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


They did not know that I am interesting. They did not you that I am uninteresting. They did not know that I was going to die. They knew I never was born.

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May 1st, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Z-drugs. What is the name of my cat? Attacking children were killed, too. Sleeping without sleep. We are waiting for a summer with frozen water.

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April 30th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim