As Washington Post reports, Literature Vice President T. J. Wehlim has suggested to attach invisible GPS transmitters to every book copy of the US book market. By this procedure, Russian and Chinese book gangs operating in USA could be fought more effectively. Wehlim estimated the yearly publisher losses caused by the Russian and Chinese book mafia […]

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May 28th, 2015 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

What for

If it’s getting all nuclear. Five words, five tags.

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May 1st, 2015 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Book transfer

As the “The Wehlim Telegraph” reports, large book retailers have started to transfer millions of book copies to the southern hemisphere. This is because of an investigation of the World Book Association (WBA) stating that as a consequence of a nuclear war between NATO and Russia / China, about 95 percent of the books in […]

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February 1st, 2015 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Book expelling

Poland started to send all Russian books back to Russia. Russia itself did the same with novels and short stories written in Polish. The EU administration stated that it is discussing similar steps. China and Russia have recently signed a contract including the transfer of one million Russian books every year to China. From USA, […]

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November 17th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Waiting for war. What is the prognosis? That we will have a hot war with Russia within the next five years? That China will join this war? EU / USA versus Russia / China? We have built nuclear weapons to use them one day. Such as my sleep disorder drugs.

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November 11th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


The Wehlim House @WehlimHouse Follow The UK is an extraordinary partner for Wehlim and a force for good in an unstable world. I hope it remains strong, robust and united for our struggle against the evil powers of Russia and Chins. tjw. 21:34 – 17 Sep 2014

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September 18th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Attack on Japan

Beijing – Because of the conflict in the Ukraine, Chinese military calls for preparations for war. “The outbreak of a new world war is not impossible,” Professor Thoman Joson Wehlong of the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army on Tuesday wrote in a 200 pages commentary for the party newspaper “Truth”. The tension […]

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September 18th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Near collision

The US Department of Literature on Friday blamed China for operating a dangerous mid-air encounter with a U.S. book off the coast of China, saying that a Chinese flying novel made several threatening passes in an attempt to block the flight of the US book. Literature Admiral Thomas Wehlim, the department’s press secretary, said the U.S. government […]

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August 23rd, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim