Update error

Joseph Register Login 1 out of 9 Home Joseph Core mysql error: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock’ (13 “Permission denied”) mysql error: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock’ (13 “Permission denied”) Thomas Wehlim 4 days ago Today I updated my SLES 12 SP1 server to install WebApp 3.30. […]

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May 22nd, 2017 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Author Dreamers

THE T.J.WEHLIM PARTY in partnership with Hotel Plaza Tramper in Berlin PROUDLY INVITES YOU TO JOIN THE MONTHLY CELEBRATION OF AUTHOR DREAMERS. The T.J.Wehlim Party is a monthly celebration of Author Dreamers taking place each month. »In Full Moon« simultaneously in 200 countries and territories, the Author Dreamers meet to discuss Germany’s greatest poetry challenges, […]

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February 19th, 2017 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


04-01-2015 23:05:48 | | admin | guitar | /wp-login.php | http://thomas-josef-wehlim.org/wp-login.php | 04-01-2015 23:05:47 | | admin | hentai | /wp-login.php | http://thomas-josef-wehlim.org/wp-login.php | 04-01-2015 23:05:45 | | admin | jaimatadi | /wp-login.php | http://thomas-josef-wehlim.org/wp-login.php | 04-01-2015 18:56:41 | | admin | iamthebest | /wp-login.php | http://thomas-josef-wehlim.org/wp-login.php | 04-01-2015 14:47:50 | […]

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January 4th, 2015 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Officials in Moscow confirmed Friday that literature despot Tom Jong Wehlim may attend ceremonies next year commemorating the 194th anniversary of the birth of “Crime and Punishment” author Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. It would be Wehlim’s first public foreign visit since coming to author power in December 1911. “Yes, such an invitation was sent,” confirmed Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin […]

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December 20th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Grand hack

admin HACK 123456 HACK /wp-login.php HACK 24-11-2014 HACK 13:48:21 HACK HACK login HACK zaq12wsx HACK /wp-login.php HACK THOMAS-JOSEF-wehlim.org/wp-login.php HACK 24-11-2014 HACK 13:48:19 HACK HACK login HACK zaq1xsw2cde3 HACK /wp-login.php HACK THOMAS-JOSEF-wehlim.org/wp-login.php HACK 24-11-2014 HACK 13:48:17 HACK HACK login HACK user HACK /wp-login.php HACK THOMAS-JOSEF-wehlim.org/wp-login.php HACK 24-11-2014 HACK 13:48:15 HACK HACK login […]

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November 26th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


In an address to the nation, Putin and his information secretary stated that Russia is going to develop the two operating systems RINDOWOS (Russian Windows) and RUNIX (Russian Unix) because of the following two reasons: First, to get independent from evil US-based IT companies. Second, to prevent attempts of fascist secret services such as CIA […]

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September 27th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Cyber war

Cyber world war against me is evolving. They try to hack my site every day, every night from USA, Ukraine, Russia, China, Iraq and many other countries. The network of evil is operating against me. It performs a global attack against my literature, my writing, my identity. But I strike back. I programmed bots annihilating […]

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August 24th, 2014 by Thomas Josef Wehlim