Overview / Full Text
In case of a nuclear war in Europe, you can find all full texts of my works here. Remember us.
Title | Language | Description | Indesign | Word | |
Die Tage des Kalifats | German | 9/11, al-Qaida, Afghanistan, Familiendrama, Flucht, Roadmovie | |||
The Days of the Caliphate | English | Translation of novel above 9/11, al-Qaida, Afghanistan, family drama, refugees, roadmovie | |||
Legende von Schatten | German | Südamerika, Kolonialzeit, Genozid, Teufel, Totenreich South America, colonial period, genocide, devil, netherworld | |||
Eisenbahnzüge | German | Holocaust, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Eisenbahn-Pioniere, Modell-Eisenbahn, jüdische Familie Holocaust, Second World War, Railway troops, model railway, Jewisch family | |||
Zweierlei Krieg | German | Erster Weltkrieg, 30-jähriger Krieg, Flucht und Vertreibung, Elsaß, Progerie First World War, Thirty Years’ War, Refugees, Alsace, Progeria | |||
Sebastian | German | Johann Sebastian Bach, Musikgeschichte, Erinnerung, Demenz, Geriatrie Johann Sebastian Bach, history of music, remembrance, dementia, geriatrics | |||
Der längste Weg | German | Hochschule, Psychiatrie, Science Fiction, Sternenreise, Atomkrieg University, psychiatry, Science Fiction, insterstellar travel, nuclear war | |||
Chapters | 3 chapters in German, 2 in English | Nuclear war, paleoanthropology, angels, Old Testament, university, First Battle of the Marne | |||
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